Cross Country Ski Headquarters | XC Skis, fitted especially for you, at the best price. Period.

Friday, February 7th: An Evening of Song with Mariah and Friends
Friday, February 7th: An Evening of Song with Mariah and Friends Join Mariah Frye and friends for an evening of music, connection, spontaneity and FUN! Experience a variety of artists and musicians performing some of their favorite songs while you enjoy dinner and drinks from 6-8.

Cross Country Ski Report – Thursday, February 6th
The trails have set up nicely over the past few days, both the tracks and the skate deck are in incredible shape. Most of the white pines are still caked in snow, and the smiling faces of happy skiers are in abundance! Weather Forecast: Today: Snow flurries in the morning, partly sunny later this afternoon, high of 29F. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, E winds at

Cross Country Ski Report – Wednesday, February 5th
Another day of sublime conditions. All trails are freshly groomed with classic tracks and corduroy skate lanes. Conditions are the best they’ve been in years! Upcoming Events: Saturday, February 9th: Free Beginner Ski Lesson & TRIVIA Learn how to cross country ski at our FREE beginner ski lesson! You will learn the basics of traditional (classic style) XC ski technique, plus hill climbing, descending,